Thursday, December 10, 2009

In Your Loving Memory

A flower for you i seek to give
A vast expanse of blooms
Your beauty shines upon this Earth
A gift you share with poised blossoms
Your untamed affections speak
Of wild tulips and daffodils
Wild lilies for your spirit
With iris to match your grace

Daisies share your eternal smile
Violets sway to your silky curls
You color our world like the sunflower
Your love shall be among the orchids
And yet a choice for love I make
Upon your grave... shall rest a Rose


  1. This is Psychic's favourite sonnet written by me...

  2. which flower would you pick to finally rest on the grave, if you were the one in the poem??

  3. upon thy grave shall rest a rose..I like orchids better!
